Ron King

Mr. King is an engineer by day and a programmer on nights and weekends. He is also a father and a family man, a poor golfer, a sometimes photographer, and an above average cook.


Mr. King has 30+ years of experience working in nuclear power R&D and service. He currently performs engineering consulting on a contract basis. His current projects focus on new nuclear plant development and deployment.

Mr. King's LinkedIn Page »


Mr. King is entertaining a lifelong goal of developing an entire video game, including all programming, graphics, sound effects and music.

3D House of Nuclear Waste »

The King of the Hill Video Game »


Mr. King despises store bought salad dressing, so he created this seasoning mix. It is primarily intended to make weeknight salad dressing on the fly, but it also serves as a general seasoning and rub. With some modification, it can be altered quicky for other styles and uses.

Dad's Seasoning »